Mix Awards 24: Product of the Year – Technology & Accessories

Ochno’s USB-C Socket in Award-Winning:  Laines System by Workstories and Jones & Partners Mix Awards 2024: Product of the Year Category:Technology & Accessories Design:Workstories and Jones&Partners We are happy to announce that the Laines system, designed by Workstories in collaboration with Jones & Partners, has won the prestigious Mix Awards 2024 in the category of […]

Power Collaboration Day 2024

Power Collaboration DayMay 06, 2024 An exclusive event by Ochno, LG, Kramer, SMS and Barco, where we exchanged innovative ideas, explored new solutions and previews. The day featured five workshops focusing on future meeting spaces and technological advancements. On May 6-7, 2024, the historic Steam Hotel in Västerås became the vibrant hub for Power Collaboration […]

Ochno installations at Vectura Fastigheter

Ochno Office Installations Vectura Fastigheter Vectura Fastigheter Office Location:Stockholm, Sweden Category:Client User Case At Ochno, we’re redefining how workspaces function with our cutting-edge tech solutions. Our latest project with Vectura Fastigheter in Stockholm showcases how seamlessly our products integrate into modern office environments.  In collaboration with Adestia, we’ve turned Vectura’s office into a tech-powered, efficient workspace. The […]